Bridges Applications
Bridges Rental Assistance: The purpose of the Bridges program is to help persons with a serious mental illness to access appropriate housing, treatment, and supportive services. NCC housing is in a cooperative agreement with Itasca County HRA (ICHRA) along with Itasca County Health and Human Services to assist individuals and families to complete the application for the Bridges Rental Assistance program. Anyone applying for Bridges must go through the coordinated entry process for referral, with a priority for homelessness. NCC housing staff completes the initial Bridges program application, verifies the eligibility and can link people to support as well as referrals for services. NCC housing staff provides ICHRA with the completed application. ICHRA administers the program. It is important for all people applying to stay in contact with ICHRA and update ICHRA on any changes in their income, household including phone numbers and addresses.
Assistance with applications for housing, including the Bridges application, and for Housing Support is by appointment only. Please contact: Elena Guerra at 218-308-8084 or Sarah Gassert 218-360-3022.