N.O.W. is an employment program for people who have barriers to finding and maintaining employment. We follow an evidence-based model called Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to help people feel empowered to make decisions and choose what their employment journey will look like.
Employment specialists take the time to listen to the desires, needs, and dreams of the person to help them find meaningful employment. N.O.W. employment specialists look at strengths and resources of each participant to help reduce perceived barriers to employment. Once a person finds employment, we develop and individualized follow-along plan with participants and guide their journey in maintaining employment.
Who qualifies:
Anyone with a desire to work. No insurance is necessary to participate.
N.O.W. is a team approach. Employment specialists work closely with the mental health team and vocational rehabilitation services to ensure the best possible service is provided to each participant. N.O.W. does not have prerequisites into the program and believes if someone has the desire to work they will benefit from services.
Some employment specialists have been trained to offer benefit analysis if a participant receives SSI or SSDI (RSDI) and is worried about losing benefits when going back to work.
Disclosure is an important part of our program; each participant chooses if they want an employer to know if they are utilizing N.O.W. services or not.
The N.O.W. program is located at the Kiesler Wellness Center.
Taylor Jackson, MBA: phone: 218-244-4717 email: tjackson@northlandcounseling.org.