Thank you for choosing Northland Counseling Center! We are happy to offer you the option to fill out online intake forms! Please take a few minutes to fill out the following forms:
Ages 2-4 Intake:
- Authorization to Treat a Minor
- Client Registration Form
- Minor Pre-Intake Questionnaire
- Provider Supervision Form
- SDQ Ages 2-4 (Caregiver Fills Out)
- Child Aces (Caregiver Fills Out)
- Authorization to Treat a Minor
- If you would like to sign up for client portal click here: client portal
Ages 5-11 Intake:
- Client Registration Form
- Ages 0-10 Health Questionnaire (HQ)
- SDQ Parent Form
- Authorization to Treat a Minor
- Provider Supervision Form
- Child Aces (Caregiver fills Out)
- If you would like to sign up for client portal please do that here.
Again, thank you for choosing Northland Counseling Center! Once submitted an intake staff will be contacting you.